Saturday, 27 December 2008

Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Solar Power

Before we get onto the how-to articles, I'd like to discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of residential solar power.

Fists some advantages:

It's free energy, whether it be for electricity generation or for heating.

It's inexhaustible and unlimited. It will always be there.

It's non-polluting with zero emissions and a zero carbon footprint.

It's versatile enough to power everything from space satellites to the laptop I'm typing this article on.

It's silent and has low visual impact.

And some disadvantages:

The initial costs can be high, needing a payback period of several years before the costs are recovered.

It doesn't work at night.

It's far less effective if you live in an area with a lot of cloud cover during the day, or in northern latitudes.

Obviously given the pro's and cons of using solar power are down to your individual circumstances. If you can afford the up-front investment and live in an area with a decent amount of sun each day solar power makes sense.

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